I don't. After jumping on our scale like it was a pogo stick for the last 3 months, it finally killed itself. The last time I got a legitimate reading from it, I weighed 177. A few days later it declared I weighed 162. Unsatisfied with that result, I boarded the scale again - it read 195. Evidently I insulted it.
My husband, aka the destroyer, is down to 294.4.
We are continuing to lose steadily. I am sort of dreading the holiday season, not so much for the days themselves but for the inevitable abundance of leftover comfort food.
I have started some form of physical activity - zumba. I'm not sure how long I will stick with it, but for now the entertainment value is worth it. There is nothing like seeing 60 year old ladies with buttcheeks hanging out gyrating and doing pelvic thrusts to hip hop music. I participated in classes last week by 2 different teachers and observed a vast difference in the impact level. I am going to try to stick with the higher impact because I don't see any sense in paying for something (and did I mention embarrassing myself?) if it has only limited value in terms of exercise benefits.
There is some family stress going on right now that has resulted in random fits of eating, not necessarily overeating but just snacking. I won't define last night's trip to the Pink Crawfish as 'eating healthy' but for the most part the trend of avoiding bread, eating normal and somewhat healthy food, and abandoning leaded soda has continued.
All of that being said, I still think it would be helpful to have a scale (a functional scale) to gauge the progress being made - or lack thereof. For now, I will just base my findings on the size of my waistline, which continues to diminish as evidenced by the jeans I fit into after almost a year of not being able to get them up over my thighs. I will continue to wage my war against my husband, the destroyer, in an attempt to continue as the reigning champion in highest percentage of body weight lost.
Happy Turkey day fellow fatties. If you need me, I will be the one face-first in the bowl of stuffing.
Surgery is HAPPENING
13 years ago