Monday, July 26, 2010

Miracle of Miracles: Cheap Weight Loss!

Miracle of miracles! I have lost more weight. So much weight, in fact, that when people see me they say, "YOU LOOK REALLY GOOD" and "HAVE YOU LOST WEIGHT."

Ah yes. The last time I wrote I weighed in at 159.7. Now brace yourselves. This morning when I weighed myself, I weighed: 158.5. I will give you a minute to regain your composure.

One month = one pound? I hope this isn't the continuing trend. In all fairness I haven't been going to Zumba 3 times a week. Lately I've been lucky to get there once a week.

I killed a pair of shoes I usually wear to exercise. May they rest in peace. Being broke doesn't help matters. Do I spend my money on a new pair of shoes? Or do I spend it exercising?
I can't complain about the cost of Zumba - in bigger cities, it costs $15 a class or more. $4 or $5 isn't a fortune. But when you have $0, it doesn't matter how cheap it is.

I would be lying if I said I haven't gotten a little apathetic. Working out 2x a week (I am counting housework/swimming here) to only lose 1 pound in a month is a little disheartening. I am still doing it, I'm just not overly enthusiastic.

I'm sorry I don't have anything more exciting to report. In less than 3 weeks I'll be back to work and then I'll see how much fun it will be to try to maintain this weight loss. I am excited to buy some new, smaller sized clothes. I just need to figure out how to do that with no money. For now, I'm wearing the emperor's new clothes.