Thursday, March 4, 2010

February success?

I really wanted to be in the 160's by ______ (insert name of month here). Tuesday the scale said 170.4. Yesterday was March 3 and when I stepped on the scale it said 169.8. I am pretty sure it laughed maniacally, too.

This morning it said 170.1.

Last night Debu-chan and I were discussing the mental aspect of weight loss, the defeatist attitude that easily and frequently takes over. These thoughts include such pearls as:
- "I will do better tomorrow"
- "what's the point"
- "we're all going to die anyhow"
- "I'll have stretch marks whether I am skinny or not"
- "No one will notice if I lose weight"
- "If I lose weight I will still look like a slob in these clothes"
- "I will exercise tomorrow"
- "I'm still hungry for X"
- "It's stupid to work out only to lose .5 pounds or gain 1.5 pounds"
- "Am I really going to work out/eat healthy for the rest of my life??!"

One of the experiences I related was the difficulty I have with the times at which I eat, the amount of food I consume, and the nature of that food.
I tend to be hungry (ok, obsess) over one particular thing, such as spaghetti.
Then I tell myself, "I want another plate, but I won't eat it now. If I wait 30 minutes and I'm still hungry, then I will eat it." In the mean time I am so starving that I end up gorging on a bunch of things once the 30 minute mark arrives.

There are lots of similar mind games. The bottom line is, I want to be happy. Maybe being healthy doesn't contribute to that as much as I thought it would. I was sick of weighing 190 pounds. I'm down now to 170 (it looks like I'll never get under that!). I'm glad I lost 20 pounds. Do I think I am capable of losing 20 more? Absolutely.

Do I think I will adhere to the lifestyle changes that cause weight loss? I don't know. I honestly don't know.


  1. 1/3-life crisis.

    It is teh suck.

  2. It sounds to me like you've hit a plateau, as my lovely weight watchery experience has called it. Don't give up, but don't dwell on it either. Sometimes the only thing you need to change in order to break your plateau is the amount of time you spend THINKING about breaking your plateau.

    Either way, I think a 20 pound loss is pretty damn amazing, and I am super proud of you, and I bet your hubby is loving your sweet new slimmer ass! :)
